Info & Support

Orientation And Introduction

Upon enrolling in this program, your attendance at an Orientation Program is required. The Program encompasses various subjects and aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the specific course you have enrolled in and provide an understanding of the educational institution where you will be studying.
  2. Offer essential information regarding the support services available to aid you in your studies and ensure a fulfilling experience while studying in Australia.
  3. Provide comprehensive guidance on how we can assist you throughout your academic journey and address any challenges you may encounter.
  4. Equip you with important knowledge about studying in Australia, including relevant policies, procedures, and resources available to support your educational pursuits.

The Orientation Program covers a wide range of topics relevant to students at the Institute of Sapience College

The Australian VET Quality Framework and your qualification

College’s affiliations, role and responsibilities


Our staff and their capabilities


Resources, facilities and equipment


Help that is available to you with regard to the English language and academic support for your studies

Services available to you, from the college, and from other sources to assist you in meeting your course requirements and maintaining your attendance.

Availability of welfare services


Our critical incident policy


Your contact person at the college for support in academic and non-academic matters

Non transfer policy prior to six (6) months of commencing your studies



Disciplinary procedures


Informing the students of an intent to suspend or cancel their enrolment

Student surveys

Transferring providers and how it works


Complaint’s handling


Grievance handling


External, independent complaints referral and appeals


Role of the Fair Work Ombudsman


Monitoring your course progress and supporting you


Monitoring your attendance


Expected duration of course completion


Intervention strategies to help you complete your course


Our verbal and written communications with you: Letters and other correspondence


Non-satisfactory student progress, attendance, and compulsory reporting by us


Course structure and content


Course credits


Modes and methods of delivery


Complete any outstanding required forms

Employment rights and responsibilities – Fair Work Ombudsman


Your safety

Academic and general administrative matters

Students’ rights and responsibilities


Policies and requirements for satisfactory progress


Unique Student Identifier (USI)


Complaints and appeals procedures


Emergency contact details and critical incident policy and procedure


Maintaining current contact information


Issuing student cards


Campus tour


General tour of the area for newly arrived students from overseas